12 Useful Idioms and Phrasal Verbs

12 Useful Idioms & Phrasal Verbs

New job?  New school or college?  New country?

It can be quite overwhelming to start a new position, especially if you are in a new country and not speaking your first language.  Added to that is the fact that in English there are a ridiculous amount of idioms and phrasal verbs that native speakers use all the time. The idioms and phrasal verbs we will learn today are especially useful for a new work situation.

Have you recently moved to a new country or area?  Do you need to learn about your neighbourhood and meet your neighbours.  You might hear some of these phrasal verbs and idioms in your conversations with your neighbours. All of the expressions I talk about in this video can be used not only at work but also in everyday life

In this video:

– 12 common idioms and phrasal verbs which are useful for a new situation – either work or life
– examples to help your understanding
– a dialogue between an employee and her boss to show these expressions used in conversation

But be sure to watch all the way to the end! There is an opportunity for you to practise your writing and speaking by answering some questions about your life and experiences. Imagine how good it would feel to impress your new friends and colleagues with your knowledge!

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