
  • Phrasal Verbs and Idioms – A Birthday Story

    Phrasal Verbs and Idioms – A Birthday Story

    Learn some common English phrasal verbs, idioms and vocabulary. Listen and discover a birthday secret in today’s story!

  • British Expressions: Listening Practice

    British Expressions: Listening Practice

    Learn some British English expressions that you hear in everyday speech. At the end you can practise your pronunciation. Includes phrasal verbs and idioms.

  • Adjectives for Negative Emotions

    Adjectives for Negative Emotions

    Let’s explore some vocabulary, and learn some adjectives for negative emotions. Listening Practice | Learn English with Dawn.

  • Present Tense for an Anecdote

    Present Tense for an Anecdote

    Firstly, what’s an anecdote?  An anecdote is a short amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person. In other words, something that really happened in the past to yourself or someone else. Present tense for anecdote in the past? What??? It sounds a bit strange, but we can use the present tense, to…

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